Whoo boy, another blog. Why add another to the sea of them already out there?
When I left my personal Facebook account some time ago, there were voices among family and friends that said they would miss seeing my projects (which was mostly what I was posting anyway). Not surprisingly, as I continued my hobbies and despite best intentions to share them vial email, I did no such thing. After much consideration, I arrived at this solution.
I am no expert on anything that I’ll be posting about, so this is not a how-to on pretty much anything. I’m a reasonable knitter, a decent cook and baker, a perennially challenged vegetable gardener, and just learning about other needlecrafts–weaving, tatting, embroidery–and game to try new challenges. That’s where the idea of Bits and Bobs came from–a little of this and a little of that, all made in a rented, second floor, city apartment.
Sometimes it works out:
Sometimes it doesn’t:
It is my nature to begin things in the middle of difficulty and then make it harder. I’ve long ago learned that this is just how I’m wired and there’s nothing to be done about that. It also means that I don’t tend to shy away from trying and learning something new. Sometimes it’s something that I know I’ll pursue and other times I’ll know it wasn’t for me–but I learn something every time.
I find that getting my hands busy and leaving screens and devices behind have been a tonic for this increasingly reactive and polarized atmosphere. If you’re interested in following along, maybe get some inspiration to try something new, or shake your head at my folly, I hope you’ll stop by to visit and see what shenanigans I’m up to; sign up for the newsletter over there on the right sidebar, and you’ll get an email each time there is a new post.
I have much to share over the next weeks: spring has finally come to the northeastern US so gardening season is upon me; I’ve just begun learning how to weave; there are several projects on knitting needles; my first batch of homemade vinegars is about ready to try.
If you’re an Instagrammer, Faceboooker, or otherwise on social media, you can find me at these places. Only food, fiber, and other pretty things to be posted.
Please come along for the ride and join the conversation!
Kathy Wiant
1 Jun 2018So excited to have you back…was afraid I’d lost you!
Handmade Bits and Bobs
1 Jun 2018I’ll always turn up 🙂
Christine Simiriglia
28 May 2018Bravo!
Handmade Bits and Bobs
29 May 2018Thanks, Chris!